As we make our way in this New Year, we are grateful for many things, especially our customers, supporters, and suppliers who make our success possible.
We really appreciate your loyalty and your suggestions that inspire us to create new releases of the fine recordings and performances of artists to whom we remain dedicated and who deserve to be kept alive in our memories.
Thanks so much for making this possible.
We are happy to tell you that we have released three new titles recently:
The Art of Edith Farnadi, a 21CD set (SC840) which has just been awarded the prestigious Choc de Classica!
The Art of Tatiana Nikolayeva, a 40CD set Special 100th Anniversary Edition (SC509), which includes as a bonus, the Bach Partitas (SC842)
and finally...
The Art of Tatiana Nikolayeva, the Bach Partitas as a 3CD set (SC842), which includes the Ouvertüre Nach französischer Art, and we have made this available separately, for those who may previously have bought our original 37CD Nikolayeva collection (SC810), which has sold out.
These collections can be seen in detail by clicking on the Shop, above.
Wishing you a very happy and peaceful year with plenty of joyous music!
Giorgio and Julia
at Scribendum